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Since the election in May 2022, I have been proud to join my SNP colleagues and two independent Councillors from Carnoustie to form a stable, progressive Administration with the people of Angus at its heart - in sharp contrast to the previous Tory-Independent coalition of chaos.


Please see just some of what we have been able to achieve since then.


Monifieth Learning Campus

Delivering the new Monifieth Learning Campus, backed by £66.5 million, to give pupils and staff the best possible spaces to learn and teach in. This is now under construction and will open next year.

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Angus Net-Zero Fund

Set up a £1 million Angus Net-Zero fund to help us tackle climate change and build for the future. This will focus on reducing our carbon footprint and increasing biodiversity.


Cost of Living Support Fund

Introduced a package of support to help those on the lowest incomes with rising bills, worth over £1million. This fund focused on alleviating fuel costs, tackling child poverty, and expanding capacity of food agencies.


Community Centre Project

Supporting the new Monifieth Community Centre and Library Project with additional funding of £420,000 - now under

construction and opening later this year.

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Active Travel Investment

Record funding for active travel. New, expanded paths including by the waterfront to ensure Angus is more accessible by walking, cycling and wheeling.

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Civic Reform

Removed the Provost's car, cut the wage by £10,000, removed the chains of office from regular use, and stopped the Opposition's plans to increase the number of civic posts.


Action on School Costs

Worked with non-aligned Councillors to freeze school meal charges in 2023/24, and increased the School Clothing Grant to alleviate pressure on families due to the cost of living crisis.


Extra Roads Investment

An additional £1 million in capital spend on roads in 2023/24 - made permanent in this year's Budget. Spending over £30 million to maintain our roads over the coming years.


Landmark Free Bus Travel

We expanded our support to people on the lowest incomes over the Winter of 2022 by removing the cost of bus travel. This was the first scheme of its kind in Scotland, and has since been extended.


Nature Restoration

Over £450,000 of funding for nature restoration projects across Angus, including  urban trees, hedgerow creation, pond habitat enhancement, and much more.


Piloting Demand-Led Transport

Piloting a new, Demand-Led Transport scheme in the Western Sidlaws as an innovative alternative to traditional bus routes.

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Welfare Rights Protected

Stopped Tory attempts to cut Welfare Rights, and added £100,000 extra to bolster their ability to support the most vulnerable over the next two years.

Spoken Contributions

I regularly speak on behalf of constituents in the Chamber in the Town and County Hall, whether at Full Council, or on the various Committees I am a member of. Please find a selection of clips below.

All Videos
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